Sweet sixteen yang gak sweet sweet banget. hehe.... aku bikin post ini ditengah tengah nungguin acc fb aku yang kedua yang sialnya dikunci sama si Mark Zuckerberg itu-____-. Well, aku gak tau ini ulang tahun yang menyenangkan atau gak. Karena ulang tahun kali ini emang penuh derai mata....
Tanggal 12 April 2011...
Eyang dateng sore jam setengah 4. Tadinya papa sama aku mau jemput eyang yang di bandara tapi ternyata eyang malah naik taksi sendiri dan akhirnya selamat sampe ditujuan. Jujur aki gak tau gimana mau nge ekspresiin semuanya. Eyang dateng itu antara senang dan sedih. Aku seneng karena akhirnya bisa ngeliat muka eyang lagi secara dekat. Sedihnya karena aku jadi inget kisah kisah yang terjadi sebelum hari ini. Kisah
Tanggal 13 April 2011...
Happy birthday to me... okay, hari ini hari pertama aku 16 tahun. THANKS GOD! :'). Pagi itu yang pertama kali ngucapin Tanggal 14 April 2011...
Ini hari terakhir eyang di kalsel. Sama sekali gak ada plan buat hari ini. Dan untungnya juga sekolah aku libur. Aku sama eyang bisa tidur sampe siang. Bahkan eyang masih males malesan sampe jam 9. Karena eyang tau aku bosan, eyang ngajak aku ke pasar buat makan. Nah, kebetulan di pasar kami ketemu makanan yang gak pake saos merah. Akhirnya kami mesan 1 udang, 2 porsi patin + lalapan dan 1 mangkok keong :). Eyang gasuka keongnya, jadinya aku yang makan walau gak abis juga. haha.... Abis itu kami keliling pasar dan ketemu gerobak yang ngejual amplang yang enak dan akhirnya eyang borong 6 plastik. Langsung deh kita balik ke hotel, pengen ngadem. Nah, di hotel aku cerita lagi sama eyang ini itu. Eyang nyuruh aku renungin semuanya, "Boleh nyari duit yang banyak. Tapi, itu semua gak bikin kita bahagia, karena bahagia itu bukan dari harta. Tapi dari sini," (nunjuk dada). Dalam hatiku aku mengiyakan perkataan eyang. Bener banget. Percuma banyak duit tapi gak dapet perhatian. Lagi lagi air mataku jatuh ngerenungin ini semua. Ini semua bukan keinginanku. Abis itu, eyang ngepacking barang sedangkan aku foto foto berusaha ngilangin luka di hati. Agak ampuh buat orang yang narsis kayak aku. hehe.... Jam 1 siang, papa ngejemput buat check out dari hotel. Kami balik ke rumah walau aku masih pengen ngadem sama ac lagi. hehe.... Sampe rumah aku ngenet sekalian buka kado dari Mba Indie yang ternyata lampu tidur yang bisa muter eh tapi, rusak! Ya udah mbak Indie janji mau balikin. Terus, aku lanjutin ngenet sampe akhirnya jam 5. Papa tutup toko dan kami semua nganter eyang ke bandara. Karena aku ngambek, aku minta dunkin donnut dan dibeliin. Eh pulangnya de Tara minta soto banjar "BASUN" dan papa sama mama mau beli tv di "UFO". Pulangnya, mba Indie sms, mau ngajak nuker kadonya. Ya udah aku pulangnya langsung mandi dan siap siap baru sms mba Indie. Kami ke Sherina yang ada di simpang empat. Masih yang lampu tidur cantiiik banget. THANKS MBA' INDIE :').
Your Personality Motivator Card |
Like your Astrological Sign, you have a Tarot Trump (Major Arcana) card that is assigned to you for life according to your birth date. This life card describes who you are to the outside world, your tendencies, personality type, potential, challenges, motivations, expectations, or how others may see you. We refer to it as your Personality Motivator Card (PMC). (Upright) You may take your responsibilities, obligations, or commitments very seriously and command respect, if not a bit of fear. A desire to protect, mentor, and support those you love could cause stress, keep you from being spontaneous, or reflect outdated beliefs about men and women. You may have little tolerance for frivolous activities, believing you need to be the solid, dependable one, and while fatherhood or single-parenthood may agree with you, a tendency to be too aggressive, strict, or overly indulgent could keep you from enjoying those under your care or roof. It is not a sign of weakness to show your feelings or fears. Lighten up once in a while; you don't have to shoulder the burden alone. (Reversed) Issues of control, power, lust, or pride could cause you to misuse your position, make excuses, indulge selfish urges, or avoid obligations. Being unavailable, distant, or unsupportive is a powerful, but negative influence, and has consequences on those who rely on you. You might have been taught that to show emotion or let your guard down is to be weak, or that the only way to get respect, or be "King of the Castle" is through intimidation, fear, or violence. This is a mistake, for you have the potential to protect, mentor, or have a lasting impact on others, and if you get beyond your own ego, loss, or insecurities, or accept your own father's shortcomings, you can turn things around. It's not too late. | ||||
Emperor | ||||
Your Annual Development Card |
Your growth and development cards for the current year and your lifetime describe some of the positive and negative influences, possibilities, issues, or even people with whom you may come in contact, or that could have an effect on you throughout the course of each year. We call these your Annual Development Cards (ADCs). (Upright) This year you may have the ability to see things from various points of view, or to consider what others think or want before making a decision or passing judgment, but your empathy could lead to issues with motivation, sincerity, or commitment. Being indecisive, overly agreeable, or unsure might come from not wanting to hurt other people's feelings, or from trying to please everyone, and you might act like a martyr or make sure that everyone else is aware of your sacrifices. Over the course of this year, you could have a tendency to worry too much about what other people think, pretend to be a "goody-goody," or be afraid to make waves, causing you to justify going along with the prescribed beliefs or behaviors in order to avoid having an opinion or taking responsibility for you choices. (Reversed) This year could find you unwilling to see another person's point of view, but you may also refuse to go along just because of what others might think, or, when unavoidable, cop an attitude, roll your eyes, turn, and smile. You may become quite opinionated, stubborn, and lack pretense, but thriving on confrontation, your ego could cause you to be inflexible, rigid, or lack the willingness to compromise, or sacrifice any ground. You'll want what you want, and may resort to false flattery, deceit, disguise, feigned empathy, or play the innocent to get your way. Compassion or developing communication skills can enable you to get what you desire without trickery, so this year, learn to stand up for what you believe in, and think for yourself. | ||||
Hanged Man | ||||
Your Life Lesson Card |
Your Life Lesson Card (LLC) suggests possible opportunities, obstacles, challenges or influences that may repeat themselves or develop into patterns over the course of your lifetime. The lessons are often presented in phases or cycles at various levels of experience, and depending upon your faith, they can sometimes represent a purpose for this incarnation. View this card in relation to your PMC and ADCs in order to gain insight on how to best integrate these lessons into your life for maximum personal growth, happiness, or achievement. |
masih ada aku yang ngasih kebahagiaan sixteen mu shabby
hehe makasih vidiiii :*
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